Services at 10:30am (unless noted). All are welcome at all services. We usually stream live to YouTube each Sunday or upload after the service. Details of services will be available on the Heart of Fife Facebook page and the web page -
The Kirk Session has wrestled with decisions about Sunday morning worship. Some people like to see everyone together and enjoy having a large congregation. Others miss being in familiar buildings and find a full church overwhelming. We know it’s hard, but we hope that people will attend as often as they can.
For the next few months, the Session has decided to continue with a single service on Sunday mornings, but we are also planning other afternoon, evening and midweek services. Services will be led by members of the ministry team and worship group.
Children – A Children’s address will normally be included in the morning services and there will be provision for children. There will also be Youth Church (up to age 16) from 10:15am to 11:45am each Sunday in the Hall at St Drostan’s and Monday Club at will be held each Monday during the school term in the St Margaret’s building.
If you need help with transport, or have questions about access or parking, please contact an elder or one of the ministry team or e-mail or phone 01592 752539.
Every Thursday at 11:45am – Midweek service in St Ninian’s building followed by free lunch.
Morning services will repeat on the same six week cycle. The other services will repeat monthly (1st Sunday: Forest Church and Evening Service, 2nd Sunday: Messy Church etc.)
More information and other activities:
See, Facebook or call 01592 752539 for more information.
Haven Lunches – Feeding Body and Soul
Thursdays in the St Ninian’s building – Informal worship at 11:45am then a Warm Space & Free two course meal at 12:15pm.
Church in the Woods – Worship in Balbirnie Park – Meet at the entrance – for all ages.
Songs of Praise – Only when there are 5 Sundays in a month and may move around.
Bible Studies –
Bible Study – Tuesdays at 12:30pm in Trinity building, led by John Hutchison.
Unpacking the Bible – Tuesdays at 11am in St Margaret’s building from March 4th
Toddler Groups – for pre-school children
Little Fishes – Tuesdays from 9:45am to 11am in the St Columba’s building
Wild Weans – Wednesdays from 10am in St Margaret’s building
Young people and Families
Monday Club – Mondays 6:15pm to 7:30pm for P1 to P7. Craft, Bible Stories and Games.
Messy Church – Second Sunday of each month from 4pm to 6pm in St Columba’s building
Youth Club – Thursdays 6:30pm to 8pm in Markinch Hall
Teen Lounge – Thursdays 8pm to 9:30pm in Markinch Hall
Young Church – Each Sunday in the same building as the worship service
Youth Church – Every Sunday from 10:15am to 11:45am in Markinch Hall
Cafés and Drop Ins (all of these are free, but donations are accepted)
Tuesdays 11am to 1pm in Markinch Hall – Knit and Natter/Haven warm space
Wednesdays 11:30am to 1:30pm – Haven Café at St Columba’s
Thursdays 10am to 11:30am in Markinch Hall – Coffee Morning
Friendship and Fellowship
Wednesdays 1:30pm to 3pm in the St Ninian’s building – Welcome In
Wednesdays 2pm in St Margaret’s building – Good Companions
There is a pattern of Guild meetings in St Margaret’s, St Ninian’s and Christ’s Kirk buildings.
Moderator - Rev. Alan Kimmitt –
Session Clerks – Alison Oliver & Bryan Gould -
Contact by Telephone – We hope soon to have an improved single Heart of Fife phone number with a better voice mail service and quicker responses – 01592 752539.
Heart of Fife Parish Church of Scotland (Glenrothes, Leslie, Markinch and Thornton) Scottish Charity SC002472 - – 01592 752539 –